
Our History

Our Schedule

Our Friends

Our Music

Despite our being known to the general public primarily for our recorded "hit" tunes, "Michael" and "Cottonfields," The Highwaymen are best heard in person, where we can have a genuine connection with you who are hearing us in real time. So be sure to check Our Schedule on this site for an appearance near you.

Nevertheless, we take great pride in our live and studio recorded performances, and if you are not able to see and hear us in person we invite you to listen to and consider our offerings listed below. Our latest CDs are available from this site and from others, and we strongly urge you to take a listen to what we are doing now. Just click on the image of the CD to go to a page with excerpts and a full description.

All of the songs recorded on our eight United Artists LP records from the 1960s are currently available in their original versions, but please note that at this time we do not sell them on this website. These historical recordings are available in two forms. First, all the tracks from our LPs have been digitized and are available individually online from the standard commercial sources (see below for where to find them). Second, a selection of tunes from these vinyl records has been released by EMI in a "Best Of" CD (again, see below). In addition, a CD which includes all the tracks from our first two LP albums is likewise available commercially. We strongly recommend Folk Era Records as a source for these historical recordings and for those of many other folk artists (ask for their catalog -- it's simply amazing!)

To order our current CDs from this site please send a check for $15 for each CD to :

The Highwaymen, LLC
6003 Seventh Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53143

Shipping and handling (whatever "handling" means -- we stick the CD in an envelope) are included. For other items, see the individual listings below.

CDs and Recordings

The Water of Life

Suspendisse cursus turpis eu ipsum rhoncus fermentum. Sed cursus justo at dolor. Nunc quam turpis, pulvinar ac, venenatis sit amet, malesuada a, elit. Nam hendrerit mollis nunc. Nullam egestas ornare odio. Cras id lacus vitae justo ullamcorper venenatis. Maecenas quam arcu, laoreet eu, venenatis iaculis, fermentum elementum, ligula. In sit amet arcu quis nisl tempor aliquam. Vivamus orci turpis, posuere sit amet, fringilla eu, malesuada vitae, tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras malesuada. Maecenas tempus semper metus. Pellentesque ullamcorper.

In Concert

Morbi hendrerit dolor et sapien. Aliquam tempus volutpat urna. Nulla placerat suscipit nunc. Morbi blandit elit dapibus quam. Donec neque. Curabitur ipsum mauris, porta nec, interdum vitae, luctus non, erat. Curabitur et lectus. Mauris sapien. Aenean nisl enim, mattis vel, auctor ut, lacinia vel, dui. Morbi feugiat facilisis augue. Duis ut lorem vitae eros porttitor scelerisque. Integer ornare pede sit amet elit. Nunc ornare. Vivamus non tortor. Aliquam tincidunt ligula vel quam convallis laoreet. Nulla dignissim elit commodo nulla. Nam felis mi, imperdiet bibendum, fermentum a, auctor non, urna. Aliquam pretium sollicitudin augue. Morbi mattis tortor sit amet sapien. Fusce laoreet posuere dolor.

Best of the Highwaymen

Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus nec dolor in dolor mollis elementum. Curabitur molestie pede a velit. In pellentesque semper erat. Cras tincidunt facilisis quam. Sed molestie. Nunc felis. Praesent consectetuer turpis quis urna. Donec interdum. Proin tincidunt, risus a porttitor nonummy, sapien diam eleifend dui, id porta erat enim id mauris. Quisque turpis odio, ultricies et, viverra eu, vestibulum aliquet, turpis. Nam porta massa et justo.

Other Sources

Downloadable Music

Phasellus non sem at neque ornare nonummy. Curabitur in purus in tortor tempor lacinia. Praesent scelerisque dignissim nisi. Sed interdum nisi et neque. Duis eros eros, sagittis a, iaculis lobortis, adipiscing vel, mi. Curabitur nisi. Duis ac augue. Maecenas rhoncus vehicula tortor. Curabitur eu orci eget arcu dignissim tincidunt. Nullam at lectus. Quisque est sapien, bibendum et, sollicitudin sed, ultricies at, justo. Morbi magna massa, euismod ac, iaculis ut, vulputate ac, augue. Fusce ipsum lorem, interdum ac, pellentesque sed, tincidunt placerat, neque. Morbi cursus consequat nibh. Sed lorem sapien, adipiscing sit amet, auctor non, consequat nec, lectus. Sed faucibus cursus dui.

This Land is Your Land

Phasellus non sem at neque ornare nonummy. Curabitur in purus in tortor tempor lacinia. Praesent scelerisque dignissim nisi. Sed interdum nisi et neque. Duis eros eros, sagittis a, iaculis lobortis, adipiscing vel, mi. Curabitur nisi. Duis ac augue. Maecenas rhoncus vehicula tortor. Curabitur eu orci eget arcu dignissim tincidunt. Nullam at lectus. Quisque est sapien, bibendum et, sollicitudin sed, ultricies at, justo. Morbi magna massa, euismod ac, iaculis ut, vulputate ac, augue. Fusce ipsum lorem, interdum ac, pellentesque sed, tincidunt placerat, neque. Morbi cursus consequat nibh. Sed lorem sapien, adipiscing sit amet, auctor non, consequat nec, lectus. Sed faucibus cursus dui.


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus consectetuer velit eu dui. Vestibulum cursus, elit ut malesuada facilisis, dui magna sollicitudin eros, ac sollicitudin tellus massa sed odio. Morbi eros massa, feugiat eu, gravida non, tempor vel, enim.
